Celluless Portatil Vacuum Therapy
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CELLULESS Beauty and body firming is ideal for buttocks, abdomen, back, arms and legs, reduces fat and Cellulitis. 110V. Celluless is a system of suction that reduces the cellulitis in buttocks, thighs and abdomen using the technique of the Vacumteraphy, considered the best therapeutic alternative. The Vacumtherapy stimulates the blood irrigation of dermis and hypodermis producing improvements in the aspect of the skin.
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By J. Traver
I have not seen much difference that this device is supposed to create. I would say, save your money...doesn't work well.
It's good, the only thing is the charge of the batterie works at least for an hour, I think is not much because the celluless recomend working in the same place of the body for 15 minutes.
By Candida Marcano (Domininican Republic)
This product, cellules, is excellent for a relaxing experience at home, you can use it on your own, and with your husband, and both can have a nice moment together... i'm new with it, so i can't tell if i had reduced my body... but i hope by a month, i have done something...
By Erika
I bought this product recently and I love it! It massages and tightens the skin. At the beginning it took me a little to learn how to use it. The cup seems a little bit big for certain parts of the body but you just position yourself differently and it is then a matter of technique. I use it while watching tv and it is relaxing, enjoyable! I love it!
By Dioromanda R. Marcano
I need someone to give me the massage. It's a little hard to do it myself
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