The Symptoms of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma symptoms are often chronic and debilitating. The disease can cause coughing - with or without blood - blood clots, chronic pain, tumors, shortness of breath, wheezing, fatigue, weight loss, and other symptoms. While it is not always fatal, it can be, especially if it is left untreated. A mesothelioma diagnosis usually comes after a person has been experiencing the signs and symptoms of it for some time and has gotten concerned about them. These symptoms come from asbestos exposure, and it can be 20 to 50 years from the exposure to the onset of symptoms.
Once a mesothelioma diagnosis has been made, a person will usually want to hire a mesothelioma attorney to represent the victim's case against the other party. The victim may have passed away from the disease at that point, in which case the victim's family would likely be interested in hiring a mesothelioma lawyer to represent them. Much of the compensation that these individuals seek from the other party is for medical bills and costs associated with the mesothelioma diagnosis, but there are other considerations, as well. Compensation for pain and suffering is important, since the mesothelioma symptoms that a person must deal with, sometimes for many years, can seriously affect the quality of life that person and his or her family enjoys.
These mesothelioma symptoms are made more tragic if they appear in someone that never actually worked with the asbestos, such as the spouse or adult children of the worker. This can be caused by exposure to the asbestos on the clothing of the person that worked with it. Finding mesothelioma symptoms in these individuals that have contracted the disease through second-hand exposure is often painful emotionally for the person that worked with asbestos. He or she has a lot of guilt, even though it is actually not that person's fault. For a long time, people did not know the dangers of asbestos, just as they did not know the dangers of smoking, heavy drinking, and other concerns.
Since the mesothelioma symptoms are debilitating, painful, and can be life threatening, there is a lot of emotional turmoil faced by the diagnosed person and the family and friends of that person. It is also particularly upsetting because the symptoms can take so long to appear. The person often has years of anxiety and stress, wondering if he or she will be afflicted. This can take a toll on a person's health, and compensation for this should also be considered. By hiring a mesothelioma attorney, the help that is needed can be received.
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