Selecting a Mesothelioma Lawyer
Asbestos has been proven to cause a number of health conditions, including a disease called mesothelioma. While companies that make products using asbestos have known about the negative health effects of their products for as long as 60 years, many of those who worked in their factories were in the dark.
Mesothelioma lawsuits mean big payouts, with lawyers receiving almost half of the final settlement. Suits settled out of court can bring an average of $1 million, and those that go to court often pay an average of $6 million. With that much money at stake, lawyers are jumping at the bit to handle mesothelioma lawsuits. If you're considering filing a mesothelioma lawsuit, it's important to find a lawyer with your best interest at heart and with the skills required to find you the best settlement possible.
What should you look for when shopping for a lawyer to handle your mesothelioma case? Here are some things to ask when considering someone for the job.
1. Has the lawyer ever handled a mesothelioma lawsuit before?
2. If so, what was the outcome? How much was the settlement?
3. Does their law firm specialize in mesothelioma cases?
4. Will that particular lawyer be handling your case, or will it be handed off to someone else?
5. If so, whom, and do they have experience with mesothelioma law suits?
6. What percentage of the final settlement will the lawyer receive?
While interviewing prospective lawyers, you want to get a feel for their communication style and how well you feel you'll get along. Make sure to ask about any fees or expenses that will need to be paid up-front. Generally, lawyers wait until the settlement is in place and simply take their cut.
Investigate several lawyers before making your final decision. Again, your mesothelioma is a serious condition, and you want to make sure you get the settlement you deserve. If you have a bad feeling about a lawyer or don't feel he or she has the experience necessary to make the most out of your mesothelioma lawsuit, move on to the next candidate. Find out about their reputation; don't just take their word for it. See what their former and current clients have to say about their satisfaction with that particular lawyer.
You can also find out about their track record through your local Bar Association. Don't leave your mesothelioma lawsuit in just anybody's hands. Find the best lawyer possible someone with experience and a stellar track record to make sure you get the best representation available.
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