With Your New Funky Hair Color You can Look like you were in an Accident!
Or... At Least You won't be just one of the crowd!
Funky Hair Color
Current info about funky hair color is not always the easiest thing to find. Fortunately, this report includes the latest hair dye info available.
What does your hair color say about you?
The hair on the top of our heads (or in my case, the lack of it) is something of a barometer for our personalities. A person with a conservative, medium brown hair cut probably won’t be seen in a punk rock club in the middle of a mosh pit. However, sometimes we all have a yearning to do something crazy, to jump out of the normal hairstyle box we’ve put ourselves in to and try something wild and outrageous. Temporary funky hair color is a fun way to do just that.
Should you attempt to change your hair color at home or go to a beauty salon?
Even though many stores sell hair dye kits you can apply yourself at home, you might want to consider visiting a beauty salon to have the funky hair color put in by a professional hair stylist.
Even if it’s the type that washes out with just a shampoo, it does need to be applied correctly to guarantee that it will indeed simply rinse out. You also do not want to be sporting a neon green or bright pink scalp for weeks. Having a stylist apply your funky hair color will help minimize the risk of these things happening.
Temporary vs. Permanent Funky Hair Color
Another reason for using the temporary variety is that you can experiment with different looks. Maybe you’ve always wondered what you’d look like with royal blue hair.
With funky hair color you can have the color applied and see how you look. As a model photographer I love to see models go out of the box from time to time and a funky hair style and color can make the model session more interesting and fun for photographer and model.
And, the temporary hair dye is so easy to rinse out that you won’t have to worry about carrying that look around with you for months after your funky hair color application.
So far, we've uncovered some interesting facts about hair dyes. You may decide that the following information is even more interesting.
When is a good time to try out a new funky look with your hair color?
What about Halloween? This is the time of year when people go all out looking for crazy and wacky hairstyles. Many of these styles involve the use of funky hair color. In fact, no one really gives a second look to a young man with green hair near the end of October. The same can be said for a woman with bright orange locks.
It’s during this time of year that funky hair color becomes a very popular trend. This is a great time to have some model photos done too! You can combine that funky hair and your costume for a wild and crazy photo session. Add some sunglasses and you're all set!
Are you brave enough to try a new funky hair color?
While you are still young, experiment with your look, consider changing your hair color. Although you can certainly turn to the standard blonde, brunette or black, adding a funky hair color to your life can also bring on the excitement. One thing is for certain about wearing a flashy color in your hair is that you’ll no longer blend in with the crowd.
Caution: Just one thought about changing hair color. If you are not yet of age make sure your parents know what you are about to do. Nothing gets you grounded more quickly than surprising your Mom and Dad with a funky hair color. They may not see the allure as you do. d:-)
Notwithstanding the warning above, life is about living and if you have enough spunk and confidence to carry an outrageous hairstyle consider taking the plunge and having it done.
Remember that hair always grows back and the color eventually fades so even if you don’t like it, it’s never a lifetime commitment.
Now you can understand why there's a growing interest in funky hair color. When people start looking for more information about funky hair color, you'll be experienced enough to meet their needs.
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