ZNP Bar - 4.2 oz

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ZNP Bar is THE way to help treat Tinea Versicolor. If you´ve read my website newsletter on Tinea Versicolor, you already know that use of this product both acutely and for maintainence goes a long way in preventing this chronic condition. Containing 2% Zinc Pyrithione, it is also is ideal for seborrheic dermatitis, particularly on the face. For men with facial hair, seborrhea and psoriasis of the beard area are easily handled with the use of ZNP Bar. Refer to my Tinea Versicolor newsletter for my recommended skin care instructions.
For the chronic user, purchase 10 or 12 bars and save! Also, the 10 or 12 bar purchase receives FREE SHIPPING (domestic orders only).
Sorry, but this product is unavailable for international delivery at regular rates. Please contact Customer Service for rates to your area.
Technical Details
- helps control scaling, itching, redness and irritation of seborrheic dermatitis- also relieves the itching and scalp flaking associated with dandruff
- hair soft and shiny
- unique bar form packaged with its own soap dish
See more technical details

By Bilbo Baggins (Memphis, TN USA)
Let me be clear...ZNP is a great product. I have no problem with ZNP. However, when I ordered this product, it seemed clear to me that I was ordering 12 bars, not just one bar. When I looked at this itemZNP Bar - 4.2 oz, the price showed $7.72. Directly below that it showed "Size: 12 bars (4.2 oz)." So when I entered "1" in the quantity field, I assumed I was purchasing one 12-pack of bars. Maybe this was just wishful thinking on my part, since I know how expensive this product is, but I really think the description needs to be changed to accurately reflect what is being offered. Thanks for the opportunity to give my feedback!

By J. Driscoll
After using this product for nearly 6 months now, I have finally decided that I am now able to provide legitimate feedback. I will be very honest, throughout these first six months, I nearly abandoned this product out of frustration on several occasions which would have ended with a far different point of view toward this product than what I feel as of this writing.
I suffer from Seborrheic Dermatitis. I am 29 years old and I have battled "Seb-Derm" since I was in high school. So it is important to know that I give this feedback for ZNP soap based solely on its effectiveness with treating only Seborrheic Dermatitis. If you are planning on using this soap for any other ailment, I do not know if the following testimony will be applicable or not. My guess is that some of it most definitely will.
The only area where I suffer from visible Seborrheic Dermatitis is on my cheeks right below my eyes on each side of my nose. It is your standard variety of Seb-Derm and nothing I have ever tried seemed to treat it with any real effectiveness: Until I was prescribed Elidel by my dermatologist. Elidel is a topical treatment, and at first it seemed like a miracle. Elidel almost completely masked my Seb-Derm and what's better was that it was NOT a steroid therefore our bodies do not begin building a tolerance for it, hindering its power. But, like most things that seem too good to be true, the FDA issued a black-box warning against Elidel claiming an inherent risk of skin cancer. I spoke with several dermatologists regarding this health risk and it was a mixed bag of opinions. Some of them claimed the warning is not warranted and I should feel free to use the drug as often as I choose. However just as many dermatologist I spoke with were of the opposite school of thought and because of the black-box warning, they cautioned me to use Elidel only as a last resort when the outbreaks of my Seborrheic Dermatitis became too unbearable. It's important to realize that at this point in time, I was using Elidel every single day, no exceptions. I would estimate that for 3-4 years leading up to this black-box warning and these conversations that I used Elidel on my face every single day. It was effective in keeping my Seb-Derm contained so I had no reason not to use it every day. So my ultimate goal was now to somehow find a way to battle Seborrheic Dermatitis without using Elidel or at least not near as often as every single day. This is what led me to the ZNP soap.
Before trying ZNP soap, there were several feedback comments of people saying that they use ZNP twice every single day with astonishing success. So I bought some and immediately began using it twice per day for about a week. Seborrheic Dermatitis leaves itchy, scaly dry patches on my face. Immediately upon using the ZNP bar, my face became much noticeably smoother, and less itchy. From both an internal and external perspective, the ZNP soap was definitely disguising my Seborrheic Dermatitis and my face even felt great, plus I was no longer depending on Elidel which is another bonus. HOWEVER, after about a week of using it twice per day (as I read in feedback) my face started becoming more and more dry and suddenly it was dryer than it had ever been in my life. The Seb-Derm was back, this time much angrier than ever before. That day or two after I had used it twice daily for a week left my face in worse conditional than ever before. Clearly this ZNP soap has gone terribly wrong. HOWEVER, the instructions on the box clearly say to only use it a few times per week. I came very close to abandoning the soap at which point I would have been under the impression that it is a terrible terrible product. But I decided to at least use it as it is prescribed in its own instruction. At this point, I had to load up on Elidel for the next week without going near the ZNP soap just to get my face back to normal after basically accidentally O.D.'ing on ZNP soap.
From that point until right now, I have been using ZNP soap exactly twice per week. No exceptions. At the beginning of this plan, I would usually use a little bit of Elidel after each time I use the ZNP soap (by the way I always use the ZNP soap when in the shower). Through these six months, sometimes I would have outbreaks of Seborrheic Dermatitis and get very discouraged and have to go back to using Elidel to clear it up. Again, I just started leaning towards abandoning ZNP soap. However I began noticing that I was waiting too long between applications. While I tried to stick with twice weekly, I caught myself not using it until I would start to experience a small outbreak, then I would use it, and because I had a small outbreak I would become discouraged. This obviously was a flawed approach. So for right now, and for the past few months, I have been using ZNP soap twice per week, no exceptions (every Thursday and Sunday). I no longer wait for my Seborrheic Dermatitis to surface. And let me tell you, I can't ever remember my complexion being so clear. I can honestly say that while I still am conscious of my Seb-Derm, it has never been so contained and disguised as it is right now and I credit ZNP soap for that 100%. However I will still use a little bit of Elidel every once in a while but not very often at all.
There are still a few very important points that I want you to keep in mind.
1) There is no cure for Seborrheic Dermatitis. This ZNP soap will by no means cure Seborrheic Dermatitis. It will disguise it. It will definitely subdue the outbreaks. It will make them less often and less embarrassing, but it will not cure you from Seborrheic Dermatitis. I have never felt better about my complexion, I attribute that to ZNP soap, but I still have Seborrheic Dermatitis (although now it is MUCH less noticeable, oftentimes unnoticeable). So please do not buy this product, or any other product for that matter, in the hopes that you will be cured of Seborrheic Dermatitis. You would only be setting yourself up for disappointment because no known cures exist.
2) Please "experiment" with this product and more importantly, BE PATIENT! Some people use it twice every day with great success. I tried that and ended up looking like an alien. For others, only a few times a week is enough. It is probably different for everybody but please be willing to run into a few setbacks before you abandon this product. I almost gave up on it twice. I figured, I will have Seb-Derm for the rest of my life, so a 6-month sacrifice seemed insignificant. I stuck with it and finally found a routine that worked. I urge you to be patient as well.
3) Some people balk at the price of a single bar of ZNP soap. It's something like $12 for a bar. However I am still using the same bar that I started with. When I bought it, I immediately cut the giant bar into 6 or 8 smaller chunks and have them stored in a ziplock bag in a drawer. I would not be surprised if that one single bar will last me an entire year. So, if you look at $12 and feel it is too much, please understand that it lasts an awfully long time. Don't be discouraged by that. In fact, it is actually a very very inexpensive form of treatment considering how long it lasts.
While this product ended up doing exactly what I had really hoped it would: it truly allowed me to be in full control of my Seborrheic Dermatitis, I felt that only a 4-star rating was appropriate. I did not give it 5-stars for the sole reason that it is not fool-proof. You have to experiment with it, determine which frequency of applications work best. Because of that, I did not give it 5 stars.
Lastly, I see people in their feedbacks penalizing ZNP soap because it stings if you get it in your eyes. I will agree, yes it hurts, but it is not suppose to get in your eyes. Diet Pepsi and windshield wiper fluid will also sting you if you get that in your eyes, but I wouldn't hold that against those two liquids if I were to write a review about their uses.
I hope this helps. Take care.

By Nancy Hay (Santee, CA)
I like the ZNP bar. It helps keep my skin clear. I misunderstood the label on the item, though. It looked like it was 12 bars for a higher price, but it was only one. I'll be more careful next time.

By J. Fargo
I have used this product before, but it generally is not available in drug stores, or grocery stores. It is effective in controlling dry skin and flaking on the face, eyebrows, etc. -- particularly during the dry winter months.
The vendor filled the order quickly and shipped it within 1-2 days.

By Dontae R. Mahoney (Tokyo, Japan)
I have Tinea versicolor, and after trying almost every so called remedy and treatment out there i came across ZNP bar. I used it for a month and ended up throwing it away later. I my Tinea Versicolor actually got worse!
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