I Want a Bigger Penis! How to Make Your Penis Bigger Naturally at Home!
Do you want a bigger penis? In this article, we are going to take a good look at the male enhancement techniques you should use and the ones you should avoid.
Methods to avoid:
- Pills: unfortunately, there's no true science behind pills. No nutrient can have any effect on your penile size.
- Surgery: surgery can cost you more than $5000 and it's not safe either. Some common side-effects are: deformation, scarring and loss of sensation.
- Pumps: these devices force the blood through the penile tissue to help you get a harder erection. The bad news is that the effect lasts only for a few minutes.
- Weight/Hanging: it can cause deformation and circulation problems.
- Silicone Injections: some men are so desperate that they actually inject liquid silicone into their penis. The results? Permanent impotence or even death!
Methods to use:
The safest and most effective method doesn't involve any pills or creams. It's actually possible to make your penis bigger by using only your 2 hands. By performing special penile exercises, known as jelqs, you will be able to gain up to 4 inches in length and 1 inch in girth in only a few weeks. Jelqing forces the blood to move through the Corpora Cavernosa and the inner chambers increase in size to hold the extra blood. This can lead to sensational gains in a very short period of time! To do the jelq, you first need to warm up by wrapping a warm towel around your member. Then apply a lubricant like baby oil. Make sure you penis is semi-erect, but not fully erect.
Form a tight ring using your thumb and index finger and starting from the base, slide all the way to the head. Change hands and repeat. You can start with about 50 repetitions for the first few days and gradually increase them to about 200. If you feel any pain during workouts, you should stop jelqing immediately. The safest way to perform the jelq is to follow the instructions of a reliable male enhancement manual.
You and you alone can make the decision: - settle for the penis size you have now or use a guaranteed, painless and free method to get a long and thick penis?
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