GoSMILE Advanced Formula B1 Tooth Whitening on the Go - 20 ampoules
GoSMILE Advanced Formula B1 Tooth Whitening on the Go - 20 ampoules
Product Description
B1 provides the fastest, purest, safest and most effective tooth whitening results! * Professionally formulated, as are all GoSMILE products, by Jonathan B. Levine, DMD. * The two most important aspects of tooth whitening that ensure results are contact time that the whitener is on the tooth and the concentration of the active ingredient itself. * Patent pending proprietary formula allows for greater concentration + longer contact time on teeth = maximum penetration of ingredients and maximum oxidation of stains. * Contact Time: B1 is formuled with a new adhesive - GoSMILE's whitening polymer complex - this allows the whitening gel to stay on the tooth 4x longer. * In the first 5 minutes the concentration increases in potency making the results twice as effective. * B1's single dose ampoules are the only hygienic paint-on tooth whitening product. * Offers targetable customized results to specific teeth you want to whiten. This kit contains 20 ampoules. You only need 14 to get B1 results. So use the extra 6 to prolong the program or be a maven and share your secret with others. Includes a Free GoSMILE University instructional DVD/CD Rom in which Dr. Levine explains tooth whitening options and the science behind GoSMILE.
Product Details
* Amazon Sales Rank: #293 in Beauty
* Size: 20 Ampoules
* Brand: GoSMILE
* Ingredients: Alcohol, Povidone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Flavor
Customer Reviews
Eh didn't really work
Yeah i don't know what to say. I used all 20 capsules and I just wasn't sure if it worked. It probably made it a few shades lighter, but certainly not a dramatic improvement. Considering the price, I would try a different product.
Also, i'm a smoker.
does work
You need to use more than one box if you have really yellow teeth. One box will turn your teeth a few shades whiter but I have found that once you use 2 boxes you get really white teeth. So white in fact that my dentist asked what I was using because my teeth were so white and I don't have caps or bonding. So I use 2 boxes a year. It's easier than the dentist the gels they use hurt your teeth and if your teeth are sensitive like mine than go smile is the only product you should use. I have the whitest teeth of anyone I know. I love this product!
Great Product - if only it wasn't so expensive
I love this product! It's easy to apply. It doesn't make your teeth all sensitive and achy. I don't have to worry about having garishly, blindingly white teeth. After a week, they were subtlely, but still noticeably whiter. The ONLY drawback is the expense, but I think that buying a SAFE product is worth it. BTW, you'd pay a this and more to get your teeth whitened at the dentist's office.
I have already recommended it several times and will be buying for my husband.
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